BC547 NPN Transistor (Pack of 10)
The BC547 is an NPN transistor commonly used for amplifying and switching electrical signals. A transistor functions by controlling the flow of current, and in the case of the BC547, a small current applied to the base terminal regulates the larger current between the emitter and collector terminals. This makes the BC547 ideal for applications requiring amplification and switching. It has a maximum current gain (hFE) of 800, enabling it to effectively amplify weak signals.
BC547 Transistor Pin Configuration: –
Pin1 (Collector): This pin is denoted with symbol ‘C’ and the flow of current will be through the collector terminal.
Pin2 (Base): This pin controls the transistor biasing.
Pin3 (Emitter): The current supplies out through emitter terminal
Bi-Polar NPN Transistor
DC Current Gain (HFE) is 800 maximum
Continuous Collector current (IC) is 100mA
Emitter Base Voltage (VBE) is 6V
Base Current (IB) is 5mA maximum
Specification          Â
Collector-Base Voltage (Vcb) (V) | 50 |
Collector-Emitter Voltage (Vce) (V) | 45 |
Emitter-Base Voltage (Veb) (V) | 6 |
Collector Current (DC) (A) | 100m |
Junction Temperature (°C) | 150 |
Storage condition (℃) | -65 to 150 |
Length (mm): | 4.5 |
Width (mm): | 3.5 |
Height (mm): | 19 |
Weight (g): | 1 (approx.) (each) |
Driver Modules like Relay Driver, LED driver etc.
Amplifier modules like Audio amplifiers, signal Amplifier etc.
Darlington pair
Package Includes:
10 x BC547 NPN Transistor
Ganesh S. (verified owner) –
Somesh Mishra (verified owner) –
Quality is good.
Aayush Kumar (verified owner) –
Mohammadshakil (verified owner) –
Good working very well