Shift Register Breakout – 74HC595 Board Module
This board serves as a breakout for the 74HC595 shift register IC in a SOIC package. It enables you to input data and latch it, conserving IO pins on your microcontroller. Every pin from the IC is accessible via standard 0.1″ headers. The Serial in and out pins are situated on opposite sides of the board, with the other pins extended for daisy-chaining multiple shift register boards.
The 74HC595 features an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds into an 8-bit D-type storage register with tri-state outputs. Both registers are clocked separately. Additionally, the 74HC595 includes a direct clear input (SRCLR), a serial input (SER), and a serial output for cascading. The outputs enter a high-impedance state when the output enable (OE) is set high.
Both the shift register’s clock (SRCLK) and the storage register’s clock (RCLK) activate on the rising edge. When these two clocks are connected, the shift register remains one clock pulse ahead of the storage register.
SOIC version of the 74HC595 shift register IC.
The Serial in and out pins are on opposite sides of the board.
All pins from the IC are broken out to standard 0.1″ spaced headers.
Dimension: Approx. 30*26*4mm
Package Includes
1x 74HC595 Shift Register Breakout Module
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