Product Description
This is a Basic Electronics Component Package kit in which you will get all basic components like Resistors, Capacitor, LEDs, IR Sensor, Photoresistors etc in variable values.
Get all details about components and quantity in the package includes below.
Package Includes:
1.10 x 1K MFR
2. 10 X 220 MFR
3. 10 x 10K MFR
4. 2 x 5V Active BUzzer
5. 1 x LM35 Temperature
6. 1 x IR Sensor
7. 3 x Photoresistor
8. 1 x IC 74HC595
9. 1 x Metal TSOP1838 Infrared Receiver
10. 5 x Yellow LED
11. 5 x Red LED
12. 5 x Green LED
13. 1 x Capacitor Pack 1 (10 x 10μF)
14. 1 x Capacitor Pack 2 (10 x 470μF)
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